At LustreLash, we believe that strong collaborations are the cornerstone of success and we are excited to invite you to join us in our journey.
By partnering with LustreLash and submitting any of the below as proof of your professional status..
Educator/salon/collage/wholesale headed letter
Student study from your college/educator
Insurance document
You can then gain access to our pro range products.
We believe ensuring our products are used by qualified professionals will help keep our industry safer.
As a supplier we want to ensure our Pro ranges are used by trade professionals only…
Lustrelash Pro products are designed to empower beauty professionals with the tools they need to achieve exceptional results….
If you are not a trade professional and are looking to collaborate with us or enquire about any of our pro or retail ranges, please email
One of our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have..
Upload any supporting documents such as a certified beauty stockist.